A library website serves many crucial functions for users in the community. One of those is managing events in a way that enhances community engagement. To fulfill this function, libraries must have a robust calendar system on their site to enable better management and marketing.

This article explores the top WordPress calendar plugins and explains how they can transform how libraries manage and showcase their community events. By following our simple guide, you can ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience for both library staff and visitors.

Why Your Library Website Needs a Calendar

A well-integrated calendar enables libraries to keep the community informed of upcoming events, room reservations, and other important dates throughout the year. WordPress has many powerful plugins that allow libraries to manage and display their event schedules more easily resulting in better engagement and more efficient processes.

How to Choose the Best WordPress Calendar Plugin

As with all WordPress plugins, you should only choose and install ones that meet your organization’s requirements. When it comes to selecting the most suitable calendar plugin for your needs, there are four criteria you should consider:

  1. Customization Options:
    Choose a plugin that allows for extensive customization so that your calendar functions can seamlessly integrate with the library’s branding and functional requirements. By customizing the fine details you can optimize the user experience.
  2. Integration with Other Tools:
    Make sure that the plugin can integrate with the tools and services that you already use—such as Google Calendar—to ensure more streamlined event management and reduce the onboarding burden on your staff and events manager.  

  3. User-Friendliness:
    Select a plugin that is easy for both library staff and website visitors. A simple-to-understand interface enables a more diverse range of users to benefit from the services and your staff to manage the calendar more efficiently.
  4. Cost and Affordability:
    Evaluate the plugin cost to ensure it is appropriate to the library’s budget while offering the necessary features for staff and site visitors.

Our Top 3 WordPress Event Calendar Plugins To Choose

While you should always consider your library needs before choosing a calendar plugin, these are what we consider to be the best WordPress plugins for events calendar integration.

The Events Calendar

Voted the #1 events calendar plugin for WordPress, The Events Calendar offers comprehensive features such as event creation, ticketing, and multiple calendar views. The plugin is renowned for its ease of use so it can be used out of the box or fully customized.

  • Pros: Robust functionality and user-friendly interface
  • Cons: The cost of premium features
  • Pricing: Available in both free and premium versions, with additional features unlocked in the premium version.

Simple Calendar

If you already use Google Calendar to manage your library’s events, Simple Calendar is an excellent choice. It offers seamless integration with Google Calendar events, has a user-friendly interface, and boasts a more affordable premium option.

  • Pros: Its simplicity and integration capabilities
  • Cons: Limited advanced features.
  • Pricing:  A free version is available, with a premium option offering more advanced calendar functionality.

Modern Events Calendar

Featuring a sleek design and extensive customization options, this popular plugin, Modern Events Calendar, is packed with an array of useful tools to streamline event management.

  • Pros: A modern design and extensive features
  • Cons: There is a steeper learning curve for new users.
  • Pricing: Available as a free plugin with essential features, and a premium version for advanced needs.

How to Install and Set Up a Calendar Plugin on a WordPress Website

Installing a WordPress calendar plugin is simple and shouldn’t be a daunting process. Each of these suggested examples is designed for ease-of-use, so if you are even a complete beginner with WordPress you can install them on your library website easily by following these steps

  1. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard, go to the ‘Plugins’ section, and click ‘Add New’.
  2. Enter the name of the chosen WordPress plugin in the search bar.
  3. Click ‘Install Now’ and then ‘Activate’ to enable the plugin on your website.

Customizing the Calendar

The calendar should match the branding and style of your website to provide a seamless experience for users. Within the settings of each plugin will be a list of customizable options to adjust the calendar’s appearance to match your website branding. It will also include specific settings for functionality which you can adjust according to service requirements.

Adding Events and Managing the Calendar

Event creation tools allow you to add and manage library events. Each plugin will include step-by-step guides on their specific functionality and process of creating events. There should be sufficient categories to ensure all relevant details are included.

The calendar view can be adjusted to display a month, week, or list of events. These can be simply toggled by users to be more appropriate for managing schedules and making changes to events.

Upgrade Your WordPress Library Website with an Event Calendar Plugin

Integrating a reliable calendar plugin to your library website can significantly enhance how a library manages events and boost community engagement. They allow libraries to streamline operations and provide a better experience for visitors, both online and in person.

If you want to know more about optimizing your WordPress website with a calendar plugin or are looking to migrate your library website to WordPress, contact our team today.


What are the best WordPress calendar plugins for libraries?

The best plugin depends on the library needs, but The Events Calendar, Simple Calendar, and Modern Events Calendar are top recommendations.

How can I integrate Google Calendar with my library's WordPress site?

Simple Calendar offers seamless integration with Google Calendar, making it easy to display events on your WordPress site.

Are there free WordPress calendar plugins available?

Yes, many calendar plugins offer free versions with essential features. Premium versions are available for advanced functionalities and support.

Can I customize the look of the calendar on my website?

Most WordPress calendar plugins offer customization options to match the library’s branding and preferences.

What are the benefits of using a calendar plugin for library event management?

Benefits include improved event organization, better community engagement, and a user-friendly interface for staff, events managers, and visitors.

How do I install a calendar plugin for WordPress site?

Navigate to the ‘Plugins’ section in the WordPress dashboard, search for the desired plugin, and click ‘Install Now’ followed by ‘Activate’.

Can I manage recurring events with a WordPress calendar plugin?

Yes, many plugins, such as The Events Calendar, support the management of recurring events.

Is there a way to handle ticketing through a WordPress event calendar plugin?

The Events Calendar and similar plugins offer ticketing features, allowing you to organize event registrations and ticket sales.

How can I display upcoming events on my library's homepage?

Most calendar plugins provide widgets or shortcodes to display upcoming events on any page of your website.

What are some advanced features offered by premium calendar plugins?

Advanced features may include additional calendar views, event categories, custom booking forms, and integration with other tools.